Simpson Strong-Tie SUR26 SUR Galvanized Joist Hanger for 2x6, Skewed Right

Simpson Strong-Tie®

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Simpson Strong-Tie SUR26 SUR Galvanized Joist Hanger for 2x6, Skewed Right

Joist hangers are designed to provide support underneath the joist, rafter or beam to provide a strong connection. Simpson Strong-Tie offers a diverse line of hangers to handle almost any application with top flange, concealed flange and field-skewable and slopeable options. The SUR/SUL are 45°-skewed hangers designed to support solid sawn and engineered wood products used in wood construction. These U-shaped hangers encapsulate the top flange of the joist, so no web stiffeners are required for standard installation. The SUR and SUL hangers are identical except that they are skewed 45° to the right (SUR) and the left (SUL), respectively.